
Most frequently used terms & physical properties

Weight and Thickness Material weights are reported in gramme per square meter and thickness in increments of 0.001 inch(mils). Both material weight and thickness are indicators of garment bulk and comfort.
Anti-static treatment Special treatment helps to prevent build-up of static electricity ,which could present a major safety risk in certain industries .
Particulate Holdout The filtration efficiency of a material, measured by the number of particulates per 100 that can be pulled through the material. Reported for 2 micron size particles.
Penetration Resistance Material resistance to liquid penetration is measured using ASTM F903. The outside surface of the material in question is exposed to the test chemical for one hour.
Permeation Resistance ASTM F739 is used to measure the permeation resistance of materials. Permeation is the molecular movement of chemicals through a material. If exposure to chemical vapors is a concern, this data should be analyzed.
Tensile Strength The force required to break a material apart by pulling it from opposing directions. Measured in pounds and is reported in two directions.
Burst Strength The force required to break through material when applied perpendicular to its surface area.
Tear Resistance The force required to tear through a material once a tear has been initiated.
Puncture (or Snag) Resistant The force required to puncture a material with a sharp probe, such as a nail.
Abrasion Resistance Measurement of how quickly a material will wear through when rubbed against a coarse, sandpaper (simulated asphalt) surface.
Air Permeability The ability of a material to freely pass air, measured as the number of cubic feet that can be passed in a square foot of material. Non-breathable materials allow no air permeation. Note: Some materials may report zero air permeability, but may still have breathability.
Water Vapor Transmission In this test, the rate in which a material allows transmission of water vapor is measured. The rate is reported as ounces of water that can pass through a square yard of material in one hour. The ability of a material to allow water vapor transmission is related to wearer comfort because body cooling occurs through the evaporation of sweat.